JOMON world <Nazenano Why?>

Minasan e okotae suru tantou wa, Ojiichan ni kawatte watachi Sora. Yorochiku ne. 皆さんへお答えする担当は、おじいちゃんに代わって、ワタチ Sora。ヨロチクネ。The person in charge which answers to you is Sora instead of Ojiichan(my grandfathers). Thank you for your consideration.
Ika,junji nyuuryokuchuu. 50onjun ni seiretsu. 以下、順次入力中。五十音順に整列。 Hereinafter, it is under input one by one. It aligns in the order of the Japanese syllabary.

◇Naze, akaiiro wo shita doki ga arunodesuka? 何故、赤い色をした土器があるのですか? Why is there any earthenware which carried out the red color?
◇Naze, Ooyu-kanjou-resseki ni sumanakattanodesuka? 何故、大湯環状列石に住まなかったのですか? Why didn't Jomon men live in Oyu Stone Circles?
◇Naze, kanjouresseki wo taskuttanodesuka? 何故、環状列石を作ったのですか? Why was the stone circle made?
◇Naze, joumon-iseki niwa jinkotsu ga shutsudo shinainodesuka? 何故、縄文遺跡には、人骨が出土しないのですか? Why doesn't a human bone excavate from the ruins of the Jomon period?
◇Naze, joumonjidai niwa touki ya jiki ga nainodesuka? 何故、縄文時代には、陶器(とうき。やきもの)や磁器(じき。せともの)が無いのですか? Why is neither a china nor porcelain in the Jomon period?
◇Naze, susuki(kaya) wo hottatebashira-tatemono no yanezai ni mochiirunodesuka? 何故、ススキ(カヤ)を掘立柱建物の屋根材に用いるのですか? Why does it use Japanese pampas grass (kaya) for the roof material of a hottatebashira-building?
◇Naze, sekiei-senryoku-hingan wo atsumetanodesuka? 何故、石英閃緑ヒン岩を集めたのですか? Why were quartz diorite-porphyrit collected?
◇Naze, sekki wo tsukuttanodesuka? 何故、石器を作ったのですか? Why was the stone tool made?
◇Naze, daichi(zetsujoudaichi) ni kanjouresseki wo tsukuttanodesuka. 何故、台地(舌状台地)に環状列石を造ったのですか? Why was the stone circle built on the plateau (tongue-like plateau)?
◇Naze, tetsu no dougu ga nakattanodesuka? 何故、鉄の道具が無かったのですか? Why weren't there any iron tools?
◇Naze, doki wo tsukuttanodesuka? 何故、土器を作ったのですか? Why was earthenware made?
◇Naze, hisui wa 1ko dakeshika mitsukaranakattanodesuka? 何故、ヒスイは一個だけしか見つからなかったのですか? Why did jade find only one piece?

GLN Communication to JOMON times(縄文時代との通信)